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It's All About The "S"


Taking a page from our friend Diddy's book, the nation's largest pet products retailer realized the significance of one single letter. Today they unveiled their new and improved and ever so spectacular logo. The company hopes the change in emphasis will remind consumers that they are more than just a place to shop for doggy hats and cat condos. Boasting an army of 1,500 trainers (each spending 96 hours in classes to perfect their craft of teaching Fido to sit), 6,600 stylists bathing and grooming over 5 million of our best friends each year), and 32,000 smiling associates to help you pick out the perfect little cute mice to feed to your son's pet boa. They want you to stop thinking of them as the place where you go to get your pet some stuff, but now as the place where you find intellectually competent providers of care and compassion for your little buddy.

What marvel of marketing miracle does it take to grab the opinions of the comfortable masses to change their ingrained paradigm? They capitalized the "S" to change from Pets Mart to Pet Smart.

If they really wanted to display their "smarts", they should have taken the money spent on this marketing campaign to hire a team of lawyers and lobbyists to change our tax laws to give us breaks as dependants for providing care for these ever feeding mouths.

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